Tuesday, 1 September 2020

The IT Aura

Have you ever noticed that the IT department seems to be immune to omputer problems? They still happen, rarely, but the majority of the time IT department computers work as intended. Now, is this because they are properly maintained (backups, updates, etc.)? Not likely. I, for one, am lousy at practicing what I preach. Instead I have another theory: Playing Diablo III the other day I toyed around with a Paladin character who has the ability to use Auras. These Auras provide and area of effect to increase protection, cause damage and sometimes even to heal. That got me thinking of O'Brien's Law of Quantum Observation as it Relates to IT Issues. I had said in tha post that perhaps IT techs have the ability to cure computers through the laying of hands. Since then I have realized that I supposedly have resolved issues simply by answering the phone or entering the room where the offending piece of equipment is located. This leads me to two conclusions - 1) The healing ability is more of an area of effect and 2) This effect can operate over a phone line. The reduced number of incidents with IT-operated computers seems to support the theory that the IT Aura is in operation. It has been further suggested by one of my users, that stationing IT technicians throughout the building would enable all users to take advantage of this aura and thus reduce the number of incidents throughout the company. Food for thought.