Friday, 13 April 2018

New Sport: IT Streaking

This is an idea in the making. I will edit this post as ideas come into focus.

This morning I was working with a user at their desk. Once I had finished, I looked for possible routes out of the area that would result in the least amount of "oh, since you're here"-type questions. That is when it hit me, this would make a good sport. I present to you -  IT Streaking.

It's simple and safe for work (assuming you set a speed limit)

Complete a circuit in the most amount of time without being stopped for help.

1. You keep your clothes on as well as any identification that you would normally wear as part of your job.
2. Disguises are not allowed
3. Set a speed limit for safety. I suggest nothing above a brisk walk.
4. Determine a course - start/finish lines, path, etc.

The challenge in IT Streaking is completing the course in the slowest time without being stopped to help someone, but at the same time, the ability to help someone quickly should also factor in. With that in mind, count each stop as a fault (same as missing a gate in slalom) and subtract 1 minute from the total course time. Another option would be to subtract the time spent helping from the total course time.

Score= Total course time - (number of faults * 1 minute)  OR
             Total course time - amount of time spent helping people

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